Tim Palman

Name: Tim Palman

Location: Boorloo / Perth, WA

Age: 27

Years Taking Photos: 10 years

Favourite Film: Portrait 400 (but obviously overexposed 2 stops ;) )

Favourite Camera: Pentax 67 is the GOAT

Favourite local photographers: @toni_wilkinson

Instagram: @timpalman

You can see more of Tim’s work and purchase his book Wellard here:



Kate Hulett

Name: Kate Hulett

Location: Walyalup / Fremantle, WA

Years Taking Photos: 6

Favourite Film: Fuji C200

Favourite Camera: Pentax Espio 105S

Favourite local photographers: @hillbillyreeves @b_o_w_o_n_g @jessemarlow

Instagram: @impatientdeveloper

Phelan James

Name: Phelan James.

Location: Perth, Mount Lawley.

Age: 28

Curtin University Student: Geography Major/Indigenous Cultural Minor

Years Taking Photos: 1 and a half years consciously taking photos on film (10 years digital- nothing serious these days though).

Favourite Film: Portra 400/C200 35mm

Favourite Camera: The camera I have on me the most being that I am always on the move is my Olympus AF-10. It fits in my pocket and fits in my camelbak when on the run, literally.

Favourite local photographers: @filmvibes @fabliha.r

Instagram: @phhel

Rhys Butters

Name: Rhys Butters
Location: Australia
Years taking photos: 11 years
Favourite film: Ilford HP5
Favourite camera: Mamiya 7
Favourite local photographer: Nick McKinlay @nick_mckk
Instagram / website: @rhysbutters 

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